Stop Trying, Start Doing: Unlock Your Energy Power 💥


Your Journey From Burnout To Boundless Energy

Each Wednesday I share one powerful alignment technique to help you match and influence your peak energy hours with your most important work.


Have you ever caught yourself saying, "I'll try to get that done"? It sounds harmless, even noble—like you’re giving it your best shot. But here’s the truth: trying keeps you stuck. It creates a backdoor for doubt and hesitation.

When you say I’ll try, you’re signaling to your brain that there’s a chance of failure. And guess what? That subtle doubt zaps your energy before you’ve even begun.

Instead of committing fully, you’re already halfway out the door. And that mental tug-of-war? It’s an energy drainer.

The Energy Shift of Doing

When you replace try with do, everything changes. The moment you decide to show up no matter what, your focus sharpens, your motivation surges, and your energy naturally aligns with action.

Here’s why: your brain craves clarity. Every time you try, you’re creating the possibility of failure, and that failure drains your mental energy. But every time you do, you give your brain permission to create, improvise, and find solutions until the task is done. This builds your mental energy instead of depleting it.

Here’s a powerful mantra:

“I’ll show up until it’s done.”

No matter how messy, imperfect, or uncomfortable the journey might be, you commit to moving forward. And with every step, you’re building momentum—and conserving energy that would’ve been wasted on indecision.

Simple Tips to Apply This Mindset

  1. Change “I’ll try to” into “What else can I do to make it happen?”
    Your brain is wired to solve problems. When you remove the word try, you push your mind toward seeking creative solutions. Instead of searching for reasons you might fail, it will find new ways to help you succeed.
  2. Make tasks achievable.
    Rather than committing to vague or overwhelming goals, break them into manageable steps. Instead of saying, “I’ll work out every week,” start with something small like “I’ll do one push-up a day.” You’ll often find yourself doing more, but even if you don’t, you’ve already succeeded.

So, let’s drop try from our vocabulary and show up with purpose. You’ve got this! 🚀

Here’s to finishing what you start,
Olena Sadoma
Your Personal Energy Coach

P.S. Need help aligning your energy to your goals? Reply to this email, and let's chat about how I can support you in becoming unstoppable.

⚡️Energy insight: Mental energy is about doing what you like, creating, applying your gifts and your purpose to daily action. If you do it right, every action you take, will give you energy back, ensuring your mental pool is overflowing to support your other energy pools - physical, emotional, and spiritual

Hey, I am Olena Sadoma,
energy coach

I am fuelled by seeing people shine up, when they live their most courageous lives and dreams. I am all about working with energy and states that propel you to take action.

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Your Journey From Burnout To Boundless Energy

Each Wednesday I share one powerful alignment technique to help you match and influence your peak energy hours with your most important work.