How I’m Rebuilding and Sustaining My Energy After Burnout


Your Journey From Burnout To Boundless Energy

Each Wednesday I share one powerful alignment technique to help you match and influence your peak energy hours with your most important work.

Hey Reader,

Burnout. It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot, but when you’re in it, it feels like everything comes crashing down. Burnout isn’t just being tired—it’s a state of mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion.

When I hit burnout recently, I knew I had to act fast. Depending on the level of burnout, your systems, and how well you know what serves you, recovery can take anywhere from a week to a few months. Thankfully, I’ve spent years learning what works for me. After a week of intense rest and resetting, I’m back on my feet. But bouncing back isn’t enough—sustaining energy requires reflection and changes.

⚡️Energy insight: Burnout happens when something in your system cracks. To prevent it from happening again, you have to figure out what slipped and rebuild stronger routines.

The Four Pillars of Sustainable Energy

There are four key pillars to maintaining high energy levels:

  1. Physical Energy – Taking care of your body through sleep, nutrition, movement, and recovery.
  2. Emotional Energy – Feeling connected and safe to express yourself authentically.
  3. Mental Energy – Aligning your work and daily activities with your gifts and desires.
  4. Spiritual Energy – Understanding your purpose and impact in the world.

Take a moment to rate yourself on each pillar from 1 to 10. Which one is thriving? Which one needs more love? The highest pillar will naturally feed the others, while the lowest can act as a drain.

What Went Wrong For Me

For me, my mental energy plummeted. I was doing a lot of work, but not the kind I love or find fulfilling. Even if the work produced results, it didn’t energize me—it drained me.

As my mental energy dropped to almost zero, it started pulling energy from my physical, emotional, and spiritual reserves. My body felt off, I wasn’t my usual radiant self, and small things overwhelmed me emotionally. Even my connection to the Universe felt distant, like a story I no longer believed in.

What Went Wrong For Me

I’m back now, and here’s how I’m focusing on restoring and maintaining my mental energy:

  • Doing What I Love Every Day

At least once a day, I do something I truly enjoy. Whether it produces results or not, the act of doing something that lights me up fills my mental tank.

  • Acting on My Wants Immediately

Wants, dreams, and little wishes are energy markers. Acting on them within 30 minutes creates a massive energy return. The key is acting fast—there’s nothing more draining than fulfilling yesterday’s want today.

  • Creating Energizing Work Spaces

I choose where I work based on where I feel most creative and productive. Sometimes that’s my bed in pajamas, other times it’s a coffee shop or even my friend’s apartment. Creating the right environment for your energy is an investment that always pays off.

Your Turn

Let’s go back to the energy pillars: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Score yourself from 1 to 10 on each. Where are you thriving? Where can you grow?

Hit Reply and let me know your scores—I’d love to hear from you. It’ll absolutely make my day!

To your energy and resilience,
Olena Sadoma
Your Personal Energy Coach

Hey, I am Olena Sadoma,
energy coach

I am fuelled by seeing people shine up, when they live their most courageous lives and dreams. I am all about working with energy and states that propel you to take action.

When you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Free Energy Planner - don't just plan your day, plan it for high energy. After using this planner for 7 days, you will learn your energy zones, and your personal ways to move from one zone to another.
  2. Free 30-min Serve Call - We'll pinpoint your biggest challenges with personal energy, and even lay out a personal action plan to raise your energy and productivity.

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Your Journey From Burnout To Boundless Energy

Each Wednesday I share one powerful alignment technique to help you match and influence your peak energy hours with your most important work.